I left her sitting up in her Boppy pillow playing with her toy and I guess she just got tired. So sweet. She slept for over 2 hours like that.
Later that morning we all got dressed to do a little Christmas shopping. We went to the mall and bought some ornaments and few presents. After that we were shopping for a new vehicle for me. Mommy needs more room!!! I really want a new Sequoia or 4Runner, but I don't want to pay that $50,000 new price. So I have them looking for a 2008 white or black used Sequoia. I love love love them! Lots of extra room for our expanding family.
After that we were going to go out to eat lunch, but the little lady was ready to head home. So we grabbed some tacos and came back to the house. We played for a while and before I knew it she was out again. This time for a 3 hour nap. How lucky are we?!?!? So, while she slept, Mommy and Daddy picked up around the house. LAUNDRY LAUNDRY LAUNDRY!
After she woke up we got ready to watch the OU/Texas Tech game. Needless to say that was an awesome game. Of course Chad had to support his longhorns even though they had an off weekend.

After she went to sleep for the night we grilled some steaks and I enjoyed a glass of wine and Chad his usual Jim and Coke. It was a very busy, but relaxing day.
This morning Chad got up with Jack Meredith and let me sleep in until 10. Yes I said it.....10 Woo Hoo!!! By the way my little lady is 5 months old today. I can't believe it. When I got up Chad left to get our Christmas decorations from our old house. Man we have a lot of Christmas decor!!! We got the tree up with the lights, but somehow we need more lights this year. Why does that seem to happen every year. Same tree....why more lights? Anywho, while all of this was going on Jack Meredith was taking yet another 2 hour nap. She took one earlier that morning for Chad too! Maybe she is tired because she has a little toothie that is soooo close to popping.
Later that evening we went to Osaka's with Brad, Dana and Angie. Brad is Chad's brother and Angie is Chad's sister and Dana is Brad's wife so that makes her my sister-in-law. Anywho, the food was great and we got some Christmas planning done. After that Chad and I went to Target for a few things that turned into a lot of things. That always happens because Target is evil :) Too many bright and colorful things! We got the usual formula and diapers along with more, yes more, Christmas decorations and a few toys for Christmas for Jack Meredith.
This weekend was wonderful and being that it is so close to Thanksgiving I would like to say how thankful I am for my family. I have the best husband in the world and the sweetest, most beautiful baby ever. I love all of my family and I truly appreciate everything they have done for me. I am so blessed to have such wonderful people in my life. It is so crazy how much our lives have changed this past year. First the new puppy that I have always wanted. Then the new house that I love and never want to leave. And now my beautiful daughter that I love with all of my heart. Best of all I get to share all of this with my best friend in the world, my hubby. I love you! Muffins and Spaghetti!
I hope all of you have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving! Jill :)

Mommy's little turkey!

1 comment:
awww! love the sleeping pose!...she has the most beautiful eyes too!!!
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